Gyro Aventure has an inventory of used Gyros for sale and various quality parts.
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Motorisation Rotax 912 RST Turbo intercooler 135hp 320 heures
Color white, inside Alcatras seat blue
Instrumentations modern liquid cristal displays, Radio VHS Funkee ATR 833-2K
Transponder TRT 800-2 mod-S,
Double controls
Pedals and joystick removable (passenger)
Adjustable pitch propeller
Trim pitch roll électric
porte barrure à clé/door lock with key
Vertical compass
Strobe nav- lights, USB plug
Four points seat belts
Heater cabin
120 liters fuel tank
Exterior Box with holder
Datum wheels-ski kit
Amphibious float kit
Body cover
150 000.00$ no taxes to pay
Gyroplane: Magni M-24 2013 Orion VIP
Rotax 914 Turbo 203 hrs NDH
Color Metallic sand
Very equipped
VHF, Transponder, 2 Dynon screens
Strobes, front trunk, trim control on both sides
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Gyroplane DTA XEELEEX 2019
One of the best tandem gyroplane on the market
Very stable and fast
Rotax 914 turbo less than 200 hrs NDH
Color Orange
Full loaded
Analogical intruments
VHF Transponder
Like new 135,000.00$ Taxe free
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Gyroplane : Magni M-24 2013 Orion VIP
Rotax 914 Turbo 200 hrs NDH
Color Wine red
Full loaded
VHF, Transponder 2 Dynon screens
Strobes, Country wheels kit
Protection tarp
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